Tuesday, November 20, 2007

HOWTO Install Counter Strike Source in Linux

This post is to help you install counter strike (cracked one which we get in copied cds) in linux. It will also serve as a reference for me for later installations.

I have installed ubuntu gusty gibbon and the wine package that comes with it. do not install the new package from wine's dev repo coz that wasted my 2hrs of debugging time.

a) install wine in linux
bibek@monster:~$ sudo aptitude install wine

b) create urself a wine folder
bibek@monster:~$ winecfg

this will openup a configuration window. Close it up and everything should be alright

c) Install cs bu runnig the installer
bibek@monster:~$ cd cs
bibek@monster:~/cs$ wine setup.exe

After the installation is finished, we need to install gecko, which is required by cs to run

d) Run this in command line and it will download the gecko for wine,
bibek@monster:~/cs$ wine iexplore http://www.google.com

When u do this for the first time, it will download the gecko engine, after installations u should see google.com, next time u do this, i till directly load www.google.com
Gecko is used to load HTML components through wine, google on it 4 more info

e) We also need the mfc42.dll file from windows installation,
bibek@monster:~/cs$ cp /media/sda1/windows/system32/mfc42.dll /home/bibek/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/

f) Finally we need the tahoma font, copy tahoma.ttf from windowsdrive\windows\fonts\tahoma.ttf to /home/usernamehere/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/tahoma.ttf
bibek@monster:~/cs$ cp /media/sda1/windows/Fonts/tahoma.ttf /home/bibek/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts/

g) reboot wine
bibek@monster:~/cs$ wineboot

h) now we're ready to run cs
bibek@monster:~/cs$ cd ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Valve/Counter\ Strike\ Source\ Final/
bibek@monster:~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Valve/Counter Strike Source Final$ wine hl2.exe -steam -console -game cstrike

And ur game should run without any problems.

Running hl2.exe directly through wine will give error so make sure to pass the additional arguements as mentioned above in step g)
Following error is given
Unable to get IFileSystem interface from filesystem factory
Bugs please put in comments.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm fairly new to the *nix world but I'm eager to learn.
I've followed the steps you've mentioned, but after I ran "wine hl2.exe *params*", my screen goes blank.

These are from the terminal:

fixme:d3d_shader:shader_glsl_load_constants >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glUniform4fvARB @ glsl_shader.c / 638
fixme:d3d_shader:shader_glsl_select >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> GL_INVALID_OPERATION (0x502) from glUseProgramObjectARB @ glsl_shader.c / 4221

I have different installation path that the one you've mentioned, but that wouldn't cause a problem right?

Thanks :D